Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vic Firth - Artist Roster - Hugo Alcazar - english & español

Hugo Alcazar es parte de la familia de bateristas de VIC FIRTH


Link directo:

Vic Firth es la compañia de baquetas (sticks) para tambor y "mallets" mas grande del mundo fundada en 1963, Actualmente la compañia brinda "endorser" ó respaldo a muchos percusionistas y bateristas de gran trayectoria mundial tales como Alex Acuña, Peter Erskine, Airto Moreira, Gregg Bissonette, Omar Hakim, Dave Weckl, Jojo Mayer y muchos más.

Hoy en dia Vic Firth tiene alrededor de 300 productos en su catálogo llegando a fabricar 12 millones de palillos al año, diversas clases maestras, una activa página web y el reconocimiento internacional de calidad en sus productos.

Vic Firth is an American drum stick and drum mallet manufacturer founded in 1963.
The company bills itself as the world's largest manufacturer of drum sticks and mallets
Today, Vic Firth has gone from the SD1 and SD2 to having around 300 products in its catalog and manufacturing 12 million sticks a year.

Signature Artists
The world's top drummers and percussionists choose the world's best sticks and mallets.
Vic Firth endorses many percussionists around the world.

Artists that design sticks or mallets exclusively for Vic Firth are known as signature artists. Some of the most notable include the following:
Alex Acuña, Peter Erskine, Airto Moreira, Gregg Bissonette, Omar Hakim, Dave Weckl, Jojo Mayer and more.

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